Mossflower / ; By Jacques, Brian.

Format:Martin the warrior mouse and Gonff the mousethief set out to find the missing ruler of Mossflower, while the other animal inhabitants of the woodland prepare to rebel against the evil wildcat who has seized power.
LCCN: 88017921
Publisher:New York : Philomel Books,
Physical Details: 431 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Notes:Prequel to: Redwall.
Record No.:45674
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F JAC Stonepark Intermediate School 2020-01-16 STPK21489
02. English Fiction F JAC Montague Intermediate School 2014-10-08 MISX4869
02. English Fiction F JAC Parkside Elementary School 2019-06-11 PSXX1379
02. English Fiction F JAC West Royalty Elementary School 2021-01-27 WRSX17084
02. English Fiction F JAC Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2015-08-28 ACCX8738
02. English Fiction F JAC Gulf Shore Consolidated School 2010-05-25 GULF4520
02. English Fiction F JAC Souris Consolidated School 2010-05-19
02. English Fiction F JAC M.E. Callaghan Intermediate School 2015-05-13 MECS4125
02. English Fiction F JAC East Wiltshire Intermediate School 2021-06-29 EWSX10435
02. English Fiction F JAC Birchwood Intermediate School 2009-12-31 BISX7428
02. English Fiction F JAC Souris Regional School 2014-10-08 SRHS18672
02. English Fiction F JAC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2014-06-30 MSCS5711